Looking into some python recently and going through many code books, gonna start keeping up with useful bits here!
#!/usr/bin/python import optparse from socket import * from threading import * screenLock = Semaphore(value=1) def connScan(targetHost, targetPort): try: connSkt = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) connSkt.connect((targetHost, targetPort)) connSkt.send('grab\r\n') results = connSkt.recv(100) screenLock.acquire() print ':) %d/tcp open' % targetPort print ':) ' + str(results) except: screenLock.acquire() print ':( %d/tcp closed' % targetPort finally: screenLock.release() connSkt.close() def portScan(targetHost, targetPorts): try: targetIP = gethostbyname(targetHost) except: print ":( Cannot resolve '%s': Unknown host" %targetHost return try: targetName = gethostbyaddr(targetIP) print '\n:) Scan Results for: ' + targetName[0] except: print '\n:) Scan Results for: ' + targetIP setdefaulttimeout(1) for targetPort in targetPorts: t = Thread(target=connScan,args=(targetHost,int(targetPort))) t.start() def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog '+\ '-H <target host> -p <target port>') parser.add_option('-H', dest='targetHost', type='string',\ help='specify target host') parser.add_option('-p', dest='targetPort', type='string',\ help='specify target port[s] separated by comma') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() targetHost = options.tgtHost targetPorts = str(options.tgtPort).split(',') if (targetHost == None) | (targetPorts[0] == None): print parser.usage exit(0) portScan(targetHost, targetPorts) if __name__ == '__main__': main()